About Me

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. My mom and I will try to keep this up to date for all our family and friends who we miss!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oregon Coast

Well ... we did it! We took our first overnight trip with the munchkin ... and she did very well.

This past weekend Andy, Ella, Steve, Debbie, Alyse and I headed to the beach house in Gold Beach. It was the first overnight trip for both girls ... and they both did great. The weather was absolutely beautiful on Sunday, no wind (which does not happen often) and it was about 70+ degrees. Debbie and I were able to take a long walk on the beach. Andy, Steve and the girls took a walk but the dads got a little warm, so they headed back early. We were def. blessed to be able to share this time with friends, and thank God for the girls every day.

Ella had her month check up on Tuesday. She weighs 10lbs 9oz, 23 inches long. She is in the 97% for her height and above 50% for the other measurements. The doctor said she is doing great! We are thankful for a heathly little girl.

We don't have a lot going on this week, Andy is working and Ella and I have just been hanging out. We spend a lot of time with 'Aunt' Jennie, Darin, Dylan, Aunt Michelle and Aunt Carol... We also spend a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa ... We miss all our other family who lives far away ... but we do talk about them often.

Talk to you soon! Love Brenda, Andy and Ella

1 comment:

Jeff and Brooke said...


Ella is so cute!!! We can't believe she is 1 month already. I love her facial expressions. She is very animated for being so young. I love it!!! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the coast. We were going to call Tuesday evening and forgot... happy anniversary!

Halle has renamed one of her baby dolls, "Baby Ella". I told her that she would be able to see baby Ella at Thanksgiving and she was worried that she (Ella) would be too big for her to old. I told her that she will be 3 months old and she could probably hold her. She started laughing saying, "I can't hold a 3 year old mommy!" It was pretty cute.

Well, we miss you guys. Give the little one a kiss from Auntie Brooke.
