About Me

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. My mom and I will try to keep this up to date for all our family and friends who we miss!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week Three

Hello everyone...Just thought I would drop in to say HI!

Mom and I have been busy these past couple of weeks. We really don't like to stay home so we usually find somewhere to hang out during the day.

We had our first official playdate with Alyse (Steve and Debbie's little girl ... who happens to be my best friend). Alyse and I did not really get the chance to play much because we were both either eating or sleeping. We also had our first lunch date yesterday at my mom's favorite place - the Bella Union. I am getting pretty good at going to restaurants - Bapa and Edie took us out for my first outing to Mexican.

I am still sleeping pretty well. I usually try and sleep for four to six hours at a time at night. I like to wake dad up around 6 or 7 every morning ... mom and I are going to work on sleeping in a little more!

We have big plans for this upcoming weekend. The three of us are headed to the Beach house. Hopefully Alyse and her parents will join us on Saturday. This will be my first overnight trip... should be fun.

Got to go ... it is time for my favorite thing! Eating!

Love Ella

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week Two

Well, Ella is doing very well. She is becoming more alert each day. So far she has been an amazing sleeper... until last night ... when she thought dad and I should be up every two hours just because!

We continue to have many visitors which she loves. I don't think she has been put down for more than ten minutes during the day since we brought her home.

She seems to be a good eater and appears to be gaining weight. We will go back to the doctor in a couple weeks for a check up.

Andy is going to stay home for a couple days this week so we will have to find something fun to do.